
About US

GridTrainer was created to help operators learn the material needed to be successful on the NERC certification examinations.

A rapidly changing power grid is creating more demand for skilled operators. It’s becoming more common to see operators without previous experience filling these roles to ensure the reliability of the grid.

Our mission is to provide the fundamental training necessary to ensure these roles are filled with knowledgable operators. Many training programs skip over or don’t provide enough detailed training over fundamental concepts required to truly understand power system operations.

Since the NERC certification became a requirement in the industry, the pass rate on the exam has trended down to roughly 62% over the past few years.

Our goal is to help increase the NERC exam pass rates back into the 80% range we saw when certification became a requirement. We want to see you pass the exam, wether you have 10 years of utility experience or none at all. 

We hope we get the opportunity to help you become certified. Even if you don’t enroll in our courses we hope to provide information that will still benefit you.

We’re adding courses as we move along so please be sure to check back for new lessons or sign up to receive updates on courses offered and discounts.